Dynamic and powerful industry
Dignity and economic independence of the country
Professional and committed manpower Increase efficiency and quality in final product
Dynamic and powerful industry
Dignity and economic independence of the country

Human & environment-oriented
sustainable development

Kavoshgaran Roy Zanjan Company started its production activity in 2008 and has continuously taken valuable steps in training specialized and efficient human resources in the direction of quantitative and qualitative development of the final product.

As a duty to our customers, we are proud to produce and supply quality products in the category of global standards.

Efficient manpower
Expert and committed manpower = increasing efficiency and quality in the production process and the final product

Production of quality product


More than 20 years of experience in producing zinc ingots
Healthy environment

Honors of Kavoshgaran Company

Our Team

محمد حسن قربانی مدیریت کارخانه کاوشگران روی

Mohammad hassan Gorbani

Factory & Project Managment
ahmad fagfuri

We work with our customers with the utmost honesty, which means we are constantly thinking about continuing our business.
And the customer is God’s grace to us and we thank him

Ahmad Faghfuri

حمید فغفوری

Hamid Faghfuri

Chairman of the board of directors

Engineer Ahmad Faghfouri is the Managing Director and Engineer Hamid Faghfouri is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company since 1999 and Engineer Mohammad Hassan Ghorbani has been the manager of the factory and project since 2015.

Our Clients